James Voller
Alright? Alright.
16 November - 15 December 2012
James Voller explores the relationship between installation, photography and documentary media. In his new body of work, Alright? Alright, Voller continues his investigation of what defines ‘place’, conflating the boundaries between photography and architecture, intervention and representation. Here, Vollerdelves into the East End of London. One of the most culturally diverse quarters in London, the East End is wedged between three areas that have seen significant economic and social expansion in recent years: the City of London, Olympic developments and Canary Wharf. This environment has prompted Voller’s interest in the effects this rapid change has on the places “in-between”. Combining photography and architectural construction, Alright? Alright is an installation that considers the links between social and economic change, and the historical importance of documentaries created during such times.
The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue with an essay by Jeremy Booth.
For a list of available works, please contact the gallery.